Soya's Story

This is Soya.  She has been a part of TLC for over 12 years now.  After one of TLC's youth retreats she became a believer in Jesus. She has been hungry to know more about Jesus since then.  She volunteers at her church to help with the children's ministry and has formed a Christian fellowship with other students from her high school. She recently was accepted to University and will soon go on to college.

She worked incredibly hard at school,  because her mother is not educated and could not help her with her school work. She received tutoring from TLC and along with other support to help her succeed in her education.  

Just before she found out she was accepted to university, she had asked one of our Bible study teachers for a study Bible. She said she was still struggling to learn how to study the Bible well and gain more understanding of Scriptures. A study Bible cost $15, which is just over two weeks' salary from her mom. There is no way she could have purchased a Bible on her own.

We are so encouraged to see Soya and others like her have an eagerness to grow and learn from the Scriptures.  If you are interested in purchasing some Bibles for some of our older students who are interested in more in depth study click the link below.

Anna Worley